Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Back in Boston

First, I need to apologize to those that have checked back here to see how my dad -- and our family -- was doing throughout this fight against the mesothelioma, only to see nothing updated since we last returned to Boston.

The outpouring of support, well wishes and prayers throughout this process has been amazing -- and,  for the most part -- everything has been going well. But, because of that, it's easy to again get stuck in our own routines until the next phase in this process has come.

As most of you are aware... my father was diagnosed with mesothelioma, a cancer of the pleural lining of the lungs earlier this year. We went out to Boston with the hopes and anticipation that the doctor there would be able to perform a procedure to remove the diseased lung and eliminate the cancer. However, during surgery, the doctor discovered the tumor was wrapped around the aorta of the heart and made continuing the surgery too much of a risk.

The plan was to go through multiple chemo treatments back here in Muskegon -- with the intent to return in three months to see if the tumor has diminished enough to try the surgery once again.

Well, three months are up -- and my parents will have tests done this afternoon (Tuesday) in Boston to see what direction to go next.

For those of you that have said a prayer for my father in the past -- or do so every day -- please keep my parents in your minds as today passes. If you're reading this for the first time, or have never met my family, I ask that you take a moment hug someone you love and appreciate that moment.

The doctor was pretty straight-forward back in May in that he couldn't predict how my dad -- and the tumor -- would react to the chemotherapy. We said back then we were just thankful that we had the options to look forward too, and once again we're anxious to follow the plan God has placed for us.

Again tests today at 1:30 ... appointment with the doctor at 2:30...

Thank-you to you all!